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me when I heardychast scarysound
R: 0 / I: 0 (sticky)

new board because i'm bored

(image unrelated)
use it to showcase whatever you are working on or something. board will probably be useless/turn into something else/die but ok also leave feedback in replies of this thread
R: 1 / I: 0


>be me (trans furry)
>play shooter games and furry games
>have adhd, ocd, autism, anxiety, depression,social anxiety
>be a furry
>say rawr for views then realize how cringe you are
>be a normal furry who is also good at tech
R: 1 / I: 0

bob bob bobspongebob

Here we are at bikini bottom

>be me (black)

>Find old case of cds and dvds
>Copy of Spongebob Squarepants: Employee of the month is there
>Put it in my computer
>Look at the 256bit color setup icon
R: 2 / I: 0

KinoVasenWaseri: Origins

>be me
>join retarded 'cord-dwelling vrfag's server
>lurk in vc
>siggagenesis6969 joins
>we have a lot in common
>joins on his main
>"you should meet my friend"
>sends me invite
>"You've received an invite for Plow2nd"
>we're all pretty racist so we get along
a few months later…
>we should make an imageboard o algo
Where it all began.
R: 2 / I: 2 (sticky)

Welcome to /plw/

It is me Nigger Wase and this is my awesome image bord.
>my wife pila