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Catalog (/kvw/)

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The Shameless Shill

We will start shilling the site as an attempt to get active users.
[Reddit Spacing]
This means that new people will be posting, and mods/admins will be monitoring the site to prevent Shemmy 2.0.
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For any new users, you can leave feedback on this board. The >>>/test/ board acts as a public to-do list so users can see what we are going to add.
R: 0 / I: 0 (sticky)
This is the meta board.
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Here you can give feedback, suggestions (We are killing /sg/) and most importantly, cry to the jannies.
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If you want to talk to me directly, you can reach me by clicking my name (takes you to email [email protected]), or messaging me on Windows Live Messenger (Escargot) at [email protected].
[Reddit Spacing]
Things you suggest for the site will be put in >>>/test/ .