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(formerly The Plarty)

The Plarty is not gay. See rules before posting. also join our 'cord o algo


Plow2nd Comeback — by Xoltron64 at 12/17/24 (Tue) 17:16:58

I got our old Minecraft server up and running on my computer, you can now connect to the website and the Minecraft server using kinovasenwaseri.net! The server will not always be up 24/7, since it's very resource heavy on my PC. Again, once I get those parts for Christmas things will truly begin. If you want me to start up the MC server, join our Discord server and send me a message! The link is on the front page of the website.

im so lonely — by Xoltron64 at 12/16/24 (Mon) 18:13:02

Can yall get people to post on the website please no one uses it

We are live! — by Xoltron64 at 12/14/24 (Sat) 03:34:46

Hello, this is Xoltron. I managed to host the website on an old laptop of mine! (do not close the lid o algo it is a server). Soon once I get my computer parts on Christmas, I will turn my old pc into the server so it will run better. That laptop only has 64gb of STORAGE, its a piece of crap. So bare with me until the jolly time of Christmas comes by! Until now, have fun with your kino experience!

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